Belfast Harlequins Club Constitution And Rules

At all times an implication of gender can be taken as either male or female

Adopted at Special General Meeting on 7 June 2012

  1. Name

The name of the Club shall be Belfast Harlequins (which shall incorporate The Collegians  Club and North of Ireland Cricket & Football Club).

  1. Purposes

2.1 The main purposes of the Club are to provide facilities for, and to promote participation  in, the amateur sports of Rugby Union Football, Hockey, Squash Rackets and such other  sports as the members shall, from time to time, decide. For the absence of doubt no  member shall be paid for playing in any of the sports

2.2 The provision of social and other recreational amenities for members of the Club,  together with fund raising activities in association therewith.

2.3 All other lawful activities as are incidental to or are considered by the General  Committee to be desirable or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects of  the Club.

2.4 The Club may also, in connection with the objects of the Club:

2.4.1 Sell and supply food, drink, sports clothing and equipment;

2.4.2 Employ members and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair  terms set by the General Committee without the member concerned being present.

2.5 The Club shall comply with the legal requirements to maintain Community Amateur  Sports Club status.

  1. Classification of Members

Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sports of rugby,  hockey, squash rackets and such other sports as the members shall, from time to time,  decide, irrespective of nationality, sex, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation,  political opinion, religion or other beliefs. The Club Committee may refuse membership,  or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or  sport into disrepute.

The Club will have the following classes of membership with the subscriptions for each  class maintained at a level which will not pose a significant obstacle to people  participating and will be set on a non-discriminatory and fair basis.

3.1 Ordinary Members: Shall be persons of 18 years or over who are admitted to full  membership of the Club. They shall have full voting rights in the affairs and management  of the Club.

3.2 House Members: Shall be persons of 18 years or over who are admitted to house

membership of the Club. They shall have no voting rights in the affairs and management  of the Club.

3.3 Associate Members: Shall be persons of 18 years or over who are not existing members  of Belfast Harlequins. Fully paid up members of Belfast Bowling Club shall be Associate  Members. Associate Members shall have no voting rights in the affairs and management  of the Club.

3.4 Junior Members: Shall be persons under 18 years of age.

3.5 Student Members: Shall be persons aged between 18 years to 22 years attending a  further education college or university or studying for professional or technical  qualifications. They shall have full voting rights in the affairs and management of the  Club. The age limit may be extended by the General Committee at its discretion on  presentation of proof of the course being undertaken.

3.6 Senior Members: Shall be members over the age of 65 years. They shall have full voting  rights in the affairs and management of the Club.

3.7 Country Members: Shall be open to persons normally resident outside a circle of 100 miles radius, centred on the Clubhouse at Deramore Park. If the normal residence of any  member changes to a place outside such a circle they may request transfer to country  membership. A Country Member must transfer to the appropriate category of  membership when their normal residence changes to a place inside such a circle and  they will become liable for the full subscription for that category from such date.

3.8 Family Members: Shall be restricted to family groups of two adults who have not  previously been members of Belfast Harlequins and up to three children under the age  of 18 per family. At least one of the children must be an active member of the mini rugby  or hockey groups. Family Members shall have no voting rights in the affairs and  management of the Club.

3.9 Honorary Members: Shall be persons elected by the Club at an Annual General Meeting  on recommendation from the General Committee.

3.9.1 There may not be more than 10 Honorary Members at any one time. 3.9.2 Honorary Members shall not pay any entrance fee or subscription.

3.9.3 Honorary Members shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of  membership

3.10 Spouse or Partner Members: Shall be spouses or partners of Members. Spouse or  Partner Members shall have no voting rights in the affairs and management of the Club.

3.11 Life Members: Shall be members who have been accepted as Life Members in  accordance with the provisions of Rule 8.

  1. Admission of Members

4.1 A candidate must complete a membership application form which will be considered by  the General Committee.

4.2 A candidate who receives the votes of the majority of the General Committee shall be  declared elected.

4.3 No candidate shall be admitted as a member if in the opinion of the General Committee  shown by simple majority, his character or conduct is such as to be injurious to the Club or for any reasonable cause the General Committee shall decide that such candidate would not be a desirable member of the Club.

4.4 An appeal against a refusal of membership may be made by the unsuccessful candidate  in writing to the Club Secretary for consideration by the members of the Club at the first  General Meeting of the Club held after the date of refusal. A simple majority of those  entitled to vote at the General Meeting will be sufficient to overturn any previous  refusal.

  1. Inaccuracies in candidates’ details

Any omission from or inaccuracy in the particulars furnished to the Secretary may at the  General Committee’s discretion invalidate a proposal and any election made in  consequence of it.

  1. Procedure after election

6.1 Immediately a candidate is elected he shall:

6.1.1 Be given notice of his election;

6.1.2 Be furnished with a copy of these rules

6.2 On election a candidate becomes a member of the Club and is entitled to all the benefits  and privileges of membership, and is bound by these rules.

  1. Subscription

7.1 The Annual or other subscriptions and levies to be paid by each member of the Club shall be determined in each year by the General Committee.

7.2 Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore or hereinafter contained to the contrary, the  General Committee shall have the power to increase any annual subscription by an  amount not greater than 15% in any one year.

7.3 The subscription payable on election to membership shall be, pro rata, the full  subscription for that year.

7.4 Any member omitting to pay his subscription on or before 30th September in any year  shall, at the discretion of the General Committee, be excluded from the privileges of membership, including selection for any team representing the Club, The Honorary  Secretary shall be empowered to post on the Club notice board, as a defaulter, the name  of any person whose subscription is unpaid after 30th September in any year. Any  member remaining in default after 31st October in any year shall, at the discretion of the  General Committee, forfeit his membership.

7.5 Should the member, who has forfeited his membership under 7.4, at any time, give the  General Committee a satisfactory explanation for an unpaid subscription, he may, at the  discretion of the General Committee and on payment of arrears, be re-admitted to  membership.

7.6 Annual membership subscriptions (inclusive of VAT, where applicable) are payable by  members in each membership category on 1st June each year.

7.7 Members wishing to participate in all or any of the sports played by the Club shall be  subject to a levy imposed by each Club section which will include, but not be limited to, insurance and other charges applied by the respective sports’ governing bodies. The  amount of any such levy shall be determined by the Club Sections’ Committees and  approved by the General Committee. Members shall nominate the sections with which  they wish to be involved.

  1. Life members

8.1 A member may apply to the General Committee to become a Life member.

8.2 The granting of Life membership shall be entirely at the discretion of the General  Committee.

8.3 Upon becoming a Life member the member shall make a payment representing all future  subscriptions. The payment required to be made shall be determined from time to time  by the General Committee.

  1. List of Members

An alphabetical list of the names and addresses of every official and member of the Club shall be kept on the premises of the Club.

  1. Resignation of members

10.1 Any member may resign his membership by giving notice in writing to that effect to the Secretary.

10.2 Every such notice must, unless otherwise expressed, be deemed to take effect as from  the next day following its receipt provided that any member giving such notice after the  first day of June in any year will be liable for all subscription arrears to the date of his  resignation.

11 Members adjudged to have brought the Club into disrepute  

11.1 Any member, including life members, who shall infringe any rule or bye-law of the Club,  or whose conduct, whether within the Clubhouse or elsewhere, is deemed to bring the  standing of the Club into disrepute, may, at the discretion of the General Committee,  have their membership, suspended or terminated.

11.2 Any member convicted of an offence by a court of summary jurisdiction or other court or  tribunal, may be reprimanded, suspended or expelled. An opportunity shall be afforded  to advance a defence.

  1. Discipline of members 

12.1 The General Committee may from time to time make and amend rules of behaviour and discipline for the members as it thinks necessary for the management and well-being of  the Club and may impose penalties for breach of any of these rules.

12.2 The General Committee shall take immediate note of any breach of such rules and shall appoint a Disciplinary Sub-Committee of five members, of whom three will form a  quorum, which shall call a Disciplinary Hearing to consider the breach as soon as  reasonably possible.

12.3 The Secretary must inform the member in question of the time and place of the said  Disciplinary Hearing and the nature of the complaints against him in sufficient time to  afford him a proper opportunity to answer the complaint(s).

12.4 At the hearing the member shall be allowed to offer an answer to the complaint verbally  or in writing.

12.5 The member is entitled to be accompanied to the Disciplinary Hearing, at his own cost,  by a representative who may be a work colleague, player, family member or friend. For  the avoidance of doubt legal representation is not permitted.

12.6 As a result of the Hearing the Disciplinary Sub-Committee may expel or suspend from  the privileges of membership for such period as they may decide, any member who, in  the opinion of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee has acted in contravention of the Rules  of the Club or in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Club.

12.7 The decision of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee shall, at least, be by the majority of those present at the Disciplinary Hearing.

12.8 Any member considering himself aggrieved shall have the right to appeal to an Appeal Sub-Committee of five members appointed by the General Committee for the purpose.  The members of this Appeal Sub-Committee must not have been members of the  Disciplinary Sub-Committee originally appointed to consider the alleged breach.

12.9 Any such appeal must be made in writing to the Secretary within 7 days of the decision  of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee being notified to the member, and the appeal shall be  heard as soon as is reasonably practicable thereafter.

12.10 The decision of the Appeal Sub-Committee shall be final.

  1. Effect of ceasing to be a member

On ceasing to be a member of the Club a person forfeits all right to and claims upon the  Club and its property and funds.

  1. Former member/ suspended member not to be admitted

Any member who is suspended or expelled shall not be entitled to be a visitor or a guest  in the Club and shall forfeit all his rights and privileges under these Rules but if  suspended shall remain liable to pay his subscription during his suspension. If in office or  a member on the General Committee he shall vacate his office forthwith.

  1. General Committee

15.1 The General Committee shall consist of the Club President, the Chair, the Honorary  Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Presidents or Chairs and a nominee from each of  the Rugby Football, Men’s Hockey, Women’s Hockey and Squash Rackets sections, a nominee from Belfast Bowling Club, the Convenors of the House, Grounds, Finance,  Development, Bar/facilities rental and Social sub committees and not more than four  ordinary members. All the foregoing offices shall be declared vacant at the Annual  General Meeting. All retiring members shall be eligible for re-election. Any member of  the General Committee who does not attend 50% of the meetings held in the year shall  automatically retire at the end of the year and shall be ineligible for re-election or co option for the ensuing year. The names of those nominated as new members of the  General Committee together with the names of their proposers and seconders shall be  handed to the Honorary Secretary and posted in the Clubhouse not less than seven days  before the Annual General Meeting.

15.2 The election of the Chair, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the  Convenors of House, Grounds, Finance, Development, Bar/facilities rental and Social  committees and up to four other members of the General Committee shall be elected by  the general body of the members present at the Annual General Meeting and entitled to  vote. Notwithstanding the General Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional  members to serve on the General Committee where they consider that such co-option(s)  would assist with the General Committee’s functions. Such additional co-opted  members of the General Committee may be co-opted until the next Annual General  Meeting.

15.3 In any election members entitled to vote may cast as many votes as there are vacancies  to be filled provided always that not more than one of their votes is cast for any  individual candidate.

15.4 On divisions, the Chair may vote as a member and also, in the event of equality, may give a casting vote.

15.5 The General Committee shall meet each month where possible, but not less than ten  times in every year.

15.6 The General Committee shall have the entire management of the business and affairs of  the Club including the provision and maintenance of the Club premises and shall have  the power to make By-Laws not inconsistent with these Rules, and to impose penalties  for the violation of the By-Laws which shall be binding unless altered or repealed by the  General Committee or at an Annual General Meeting.

15.7 Ten members of the General Committee shall form a quorum.

15.8 Minutes of all the proceedings of the General Committee must be taken and must conform with the requirements of the Registration of Clubs (Accounts) Regulations (N.I.)  1997 or any amendment to or re-enactment of the said regulations.

15.9 The General Committee shall be the sole interpreter of the Rules of the Club. 15.10 Only fully paid up members of the Club may serve on the General Committee.

15.11 Members of the General Committee and the Section Committees shall be entitled to be   indemnified against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club out of the  assets (but limited to the assets) of the Club.

15.12 The General Committee may rent all or part of the premises and grounds to a body or  person if doing so is deemed to be advantageous to the Club and does not cause  unacceptable interference to the sporting and social activities of members.

15.13 The General Committee and Section Committees shall have due regard to the law  on disability discrimination and child protection.

15.14 The General Committee shall appoint each year a Club President. This is likely to be, but  not limited to, the President of the Rugby Football Section.

  1. Vacancies on General Committee

16.1 The General Committee may appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy on the General Committee until the next Annual General Meeting.

16.2 Any member so appointed must retire at the next Annual General Meeting but may be  elected as a member of the General Committee at that meeting.

  1. The Club President

17.1 The Club President shall, where appropriate, represent the Club at all internal and  external functions.

  1. Duties of the Secretary

18.1 The Secretary shall deal with the day to day administration of the Club.

18.2 The Secretary shall attend at General Committee meetings and other meetings of the Club and shall keep a minute book in which he shall enter minutes of the proceedings at  all such meetings and such minutes when signed by the Chairman shall be deemed  conclusive of the truth of the matters therein contained.

18.3 The Secretary shall be responsible for dealing with the renewal of the registration of the  Club in compliance with the Registration of Clubs (NI)Order 1996 or any statutory  amendment or re-enactment thereof.

18.4 The Secretary shall be responsible for attending to all correspondence on behalf of the  Club.

18.5 The Secretary shall be responsible for arranging disciplinary hearings and appeals where  necessary, in compliance with these Rules.

  1. Duties of the Treasurer

19.1 The Treasurer shall receive the subscriptions of members as well as other monies that  may be paid from time to time into his hands by any person on account of the Club.

19.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the same and place them, as soon as is reasonably  possible, in a bank to the credit of the Club.

19.3 The Treasurer shall pay all accounts after they have been approved by the General  Committee and shall furnish a statement of income and expenditure to the Annual  General Meeting and whenever required to do so by the Committee.

19.4 The Treasurer shall prepare profit and loss accounts quarterly and submit these to the  General and section committees.

19.5 The Treasurer shall take all necessary steps to ensure compliance by the Club with the  Registration of Clubs (Accounts) Regulations (NI) 1997.

  1. Club Sections

20.1 The Committee of each section shall consist of a President, a Chairman, an Honorary  Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer and five members elected at the Annual General  Meeting of each section. The Committee of each section shall have the power to co-opt any additional members to serve on the Club Section Committee where they consider  that such co-option(s) would assist with the Club Section Committee’s function. The  Chair of the General Committee together with the Honorary Secretary and Honorary  Treasurer of the Club shall be ex-officio members of every Section Committee.

20.2 The Minutes of each Section Committee shall be kept by the Section Honorary Secretary  and a written or verbal report of the conduct of the affairs of each Section Committee  shall be submitted to each Meeting of the General Committee by a representative of  each section.

20.3 Club Section committees shall meet at least monthly in the Clubhouse.

20.4 The Section Committees will retire at the Annual General Meeting of each appropriate  Section.

20.5 All members of Section Committees shall be eligible for re-election.

20.6 A Member shall cease to be a member of a Section Committee if he fails to attend three  consecutive committee meetings without reasonable excuse.

20.7 Only fully paid up members of the Club may serve on a section committee.

  1. Trustees 

21.1 The Trustees shall be nominated by the General Committee from the members of the  Club entitled to vote, subject to approval at a General Meeting of Members. A Trustee shall remain in office until death or resignation or until a General Meeting shall think  proper to remove him. Where by reason of the death, resignation or removal of a  Trustee a new Trustee needs to be appointed, or if the General Committee deems it  expedient to appoint an additional Trustee or additional Trustees, the General  Committee may by resolution nominate the person or persons to be appointed as the  new Trustee or Trustees subject to the approval of members at a General Meeting.

21.2 There must be not less than five or more than nine Trustees of the Club.

21.3 The property of the Club (other than cash which must be under the control of the Treasurer) must be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the General  Committee from time to time may direct by resolution and an entry in the minute book  is conclusive evidence of such resolution.

21.4 The Trustees and their Executors and Administrators shall be entitled to be indemnified   against actions, claims, costs, damages and expense out of the Club assets.

21.5 Any statement of fact in a deed of appointment of new Trustees, in favour of a person  dealing bona fide and for value with the Club or the General Committee, is conclusive  evidence of the fact so stated.

21.6 The Trustees and the General Committee, or their representatives, should meet  regularly, at least once in every year, or more often if necessary to consider matters  pertinent to the well-being of the Club.

  1. Resignation/removal from the General or Section Committees

22.1 A Committee Member may resign from the General Committee or Section Committees by tendering his resignation in writing addressed to the Secretary of the Club or orally at  any duly constituted committee meeting.

  1. Sub-committees 

23.1 The purchase of intoxicating liquor for supply by the Club shall be at the absolute discretion of the Bar sub-committee of not less than three members, being members of the General Committee, appointed by the General Committee for that purpose.

23.2 If any member ceases to be a member of the General Committee he automatically ceases to be a member of the relevant sub-committee and another member of the General Committee shall be appointed in his place.

23.3 The General Committee may also from time to time appoint from among its number  such other sub-committees and additional officers and deputies as it deems necessary or  expedient and may subject to the provisions of Regulation 19 of the Registration of Clubs  (Accounts) Regulations (N.I.) 1997 delegate to them such of Its powers and duties as it  may determine.

23.4 Notwithstanding 25.3 (above) At the first meeting of the General Committee after the  Annual General Meeting the General Committee will form Sub Committees as follows: 23.4.1 A Finance Sub Committee with responsibility for the management and control of

the finances of the Club, which Sub Committee shall consist of the Honorary  Treasurer, the Honorary Treasurer of each section of the Club and five other  members appointed by the General Committee.

23.4.2 A House Sub Committee with responsibility for the maintenance and general  condition of the Club premises and the equipment used to maintain them, which  Sub Committee shall consist of at least five members appointed by the General  Committee. This sub-committee may also include representatives of other Clubs  using the Clubhouse at Deramore.

23.4.3 A Grounds Sub Committee with responsibility for the maintenance, preparation  and general condition of the Club grounds and the equipment used to maintain  them, which Sub-Committee shall consist of at least five members appointed by  the General Committee. This committee may also include representatives of other Clubs using the grounds at Deramore.

23.4.4 A Development Sub Committee with responsibility for the development of the  Club’s grounds and facilities, which Sub Committee shall consist of such members as appointed by the General Committee.

23.4.5 A Bar and Social Sub-Committee with particular responsibility for coordinating social events, the operation of the bar and the hire of such Club facilities, which  Sub Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the General Committee.

23.4.6 The members of the Finance, House, Grounds, Development, Bar and Social Sub  Committees will retire at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.

23.4.7 Members of all Sub Committees shall be eligible for reappointment or re election, subject to approval of General Committee

23.5 With the exception of any sub-committee of less than 5 members and the sub committee concerned with the purchase of intoxicating liquor for supply by the Club, the  General Committee may co-opt any member to the General Committee or any sub committees provided that the number so co-opted does not exceed one third of the  total membership of the General Committee or sub-committee.

  1. Regulations

24.1 The General Committee may from time to time make, and amend regulations (not inconsistent with these rules) as it thinks necessary for the management and well-being  of the Club and may impose reasonable fines for breach of any of those regulations.

24.2 A member who has incurred a fine must be notified by the Secretary, and requested to  pay the fine immediately, and in default of payment within 10 days from the date of the  notice, he ceases to be a member of the Club.

24.3 All regulations made by the General Committee under this rule are binding on the members until repealed by the General Committee or set aside by a resolution of a general meeting of the Club.

  1. Employees

The General Committee may appoint, pay and dismiss such employees as it deems  necessary subject always to the provisions of the Employment Rights (NI) Order 1996  and any amendment thereto, and to the general law.

  1. Borrowing powers

26.1 The General Committee, having consulted with the Trustees, may decide to borrow for  the purposes of the Club any amount of money (either at one time or from time to time)  and at the rate of interest, in the form and manner and upon the security specified duly  authorised by a resolution of the General Committee convened for that purpose.

26.2 The Trustees must at the direction of the General Committee make any disposition of  the Club property or any part of it and enter into any agreement in relation to the Club property as the General Committee thinks proper to give security for the loan and  interest.

26.3 Every member of the Club is deemed to have assented to the resolution as if he had  voted in favour of it.

  1. Annual General Meeting

27.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club must be held by 31st October in each year on a  date and at a time to be fixed by the General Committee and must:

27.1.1 Receive from the General Committee a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year.

27.1.2 The report, balance sheet, statement of accounts and budget must be placed in  the principal Club room at least 10 days before the Annual General Meeting. 27.1.3 Fill the vacancies in the General Committee and appoint an auditor for the  ensuing year.

27.1.4 Decide on any resolution which may be submitted to the meeting  27.1.5 Fix the annual subscriptions of the Club.

27.1.6 Consider any other business as determined by the General Committee.

  1. Notice of business at Annual General Meeting 

Any member who desires to move any resolution at the Annual General Meeting must  give notice in writing to the Secretary not later than ten days before the said meeting.

  1. General Meetings

29.1 The General Committee may call a Special General Meeting at any time for any specific purpose.

29.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called within twenty one days of the receipt  of a signed requisition from twenty-five members stating the object for which the  meeting is to be held. No other business than that stated in the circular shall be  conducted at such meeting nor shall any resolution be valid unless at least twenty-five  members entitled to vote are present.

  1. Convening General Meetings

30.1 At least 10 days before the Annual General Meeting, or any Special General Meeting,  notice of the meeting and the business to be transacted at it must be posted in the Club house, and a copy of the notice sent to every member.

30.2 No business other than that of which notice has been given may be brought forward at a  General Meeting.

  1. Proceedings at general meetings

31.1 At all general meetings of the Club the Chair, or in his absence a member selected by the  General Committee, shall take the chair.

31.2 Every member in a voting category present is entitled to one vote upon every motion,  and in the case of an equality of votes the Chair may have a second or casting vote.

31.3 The General Committee may, if it thinks fit, make regulations enabling members unable  to be present to vote by proxy or in writing.

  1. Quorum

The quorum for all general meetings is twenty five.

  1. Voting

The following majorities of members present and voting at general meetings are required for the passing of the following types of resolution:

33.1 Proposing any repeal, addition to, or amendment of the rules: 75%.  33.2 Relating to the expulsion of any member: 60%.

33.3 Relating to the dissolution of the Club, see rule 54

33.4 For all other business: more than 50%.

  1. Amendments

34.1 No amendment (other than a motion for adjournment) may be moved to any resolution  proposed at any Annual or Special General or Extraordinary General Meeting unless  written notice of the amendment has been sent to the Secretary not less than 5 days prior to the meeting or if the meeting so consents.

34.2 Whenever notice of any amendment to be proposed is given, it must be posted in one of  the Club’s principal rooms immediately.

  1. Club sections’ General Meetings

35.1 Annual General Meetings of each section of the Club shall be held, in the Clubhouse, not  later than 30th June in each year at such time as the Committee of each section shall  decide and the Honorary Secretary of each section shall give ten days’ notice of the date  and business of the meeting to all section members by circular, either by mail or by e mail.

35.2 No business shall be proceeded with unless a quorum of at least 25 members is present  or 20% of the membership whichever figure is less.

35.3 In the event that there is no quorum assembled within half an hour of the time named  in the circular giving notice of the meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned until the  same day and time of the following week and so on in like manner for up to five  successive weeks. Should a quorum not be assembled after four attempts the  requirement for 25 members to be present shall be reduced to 13 for the fifth attempt.  Notice of each such adjournment shall be posted in the Clubhouse.

35.4 All existing officers and arrangements shall continue in place until a quorum be  obtained.

35.5 At all meetings of each section whether annual, special or extra-ordinary the Section  President shall be the Chair. In the absence or at the discretion of the Section President  the Chair of the General Committee shall preside; failing this the Chair shall be elected  by the majority of the members present. In the case of equality of votes the Chair shall  be taken by a senior member present who is able to obtain a majority vote from those  members at the Meeting.

35.6 On divisions the Chair may vote as a member and also in the case of equality may give a  casting vote.

35.7 The Honorary Secretary of each section shall call an extra-ordinary meeting of the  section by circular to all section members, either mail or e-mail to be sent out not less  than seven days before the meeting on receiving a requisition from twenty-five  members stating the object for which the meeting is to be held and no other business  than that stated in the circular shall be gone into at such meeting nor shall any  resolution be valid unless at least 25 members are present or 20% of the membership  which figure is less

  1. Financial year

The financial year of the Club shall end on the 31st day of May in each year. 37. Audit of accounts 

37.1 The accounts must be audited by a person defined in Regulation 5 of the Registration of  Clubs (Accounts) Regulations (N.I.) 1997 as soon as practicable after the end of the  financial year.

37.2 The auditor must be appointed at each Annual General Meeting who shall be a member  of a recognised professional body.

  1. Opening of Club premises

38.1 The Club premises are open to members daily between such hours as the General  Committee may from time to time determine.

38.2 The General Committee may close the Club premises for such times as it considers necessary for cleaning and repairs, staff holidays or where it is necessary in the interest  of the Club.

  1. Games

Regulations made by the General Committee may lay down the conditions on which any game including a gaming machine may be played on the Club premises and may prohibit  any games the playing of which would in the opinion of the General Committee be  injurious to the interests of the Club.

  1. Guests

40.1 Every member may introduce guests, subject to any regulations made from time to time  by the General Committee.

40.2 Every guest must be accompanied by the member introducing him.

40.3 Immediately upon the admission of his guest to the Club premises the member shall  enter his name and the name of the guest in a book which shall be kept for that purpose  and shall show the date of each visit.

40.4 The same person, except where that person is a parent, husband, wife or child of a  member shall not be admitted as a guest of a member to the Club premises on more  than 20 days in any period of 12 months.

40.5 A member shall be responsible for his guest strictly observing the rules and shall not  leave the Club premises before his guest and a guest shall not be supplied with  intoxicating liquor unless upon the invitation of and in the company of a member.

40.6 No one who has been expelled from membership, or whose conduct or presence on the  Club premises is considered by the General Committee objectionable or prejudicial to  the interests of the Club, may be introduced as a guest into the Club.

40.7 A person upon payment of a fee to the Club may use on a specified day such facilities of  the Club as the General Committee may determine from time to time and Rule 42.3 shall  not apply to that person in respect of that day.

40.8 Visiting teams, societies or organisations must be signed in by the Captain of the  appropriate Club team or other Officer of the Club. The name of the visiting team,  society or organisation and the number of visitors introduced shall be entered in the  Visitors Book, and the entry countersigned immediately by the appropriate Captain or  Officer.

  1. Members not to make profit out of Club

No member may on any pretence or in any manner receive any profit, salary or emoluments from the funds or transactions of the Club, except for professional services  rendered at the request of the General Committee.

  1. Private benefit not to accrue on purchase etc of liquor

42.1 No one may be paid any commission percentage or similar payment on or with reference  to purchases of intoxicating liquor by the Club.

42.2 No one may directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club to members or guests or others apart from  the benefit accruing to the Club as a whole.

42.3 No official and no manager or servant employed in the Club shall have any personal  interest in the supply of intoxicating liquor in the Club or in the profits arising from such  supply.

  1. Permitted hours

The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor in the Club are as provided by  the Registration of Clubs (NI) Order 1996 and may be varied from time to time by the  General Committee in accordance with the statutory provisions for the time being in  force.

  1. Supply of liquor

Intoxicating liquor may be supplied to members and their guests for consumption on the  Club premises. Intoxicating liquor may not be supplied for consumption off the Club premises.

  1. Club address not to be used for business

No member may give the address of the Club in any advertisement or use the Club address for business purposes.

  1. Members’ addresses

Every member of the Club must advise the Secretary of any change of address and all  notices sent by first class post to that address are considered to have been given on the  day following the date of posting.

  1. Grievances

Suggestions of any kind as to any matters tending to the welfare or improvement of the  Club, and complaints of any kind relating to the affairs of the Club shall be made to the  Secretary in writing, who shall place the same before the next General Committee  meeting.

  1. Actions of members

Any member damaging or destroying property of the Club by accident or otherwise shall  promptly make good the loss or damage to the satisfaction of the General Committee. If  the loss or damage be caused by a guest the introducing member shall make same good  to the satisfaction of the General Committee.

  1. Functions

Any section, charity or member wishing to hold a function on the Club premises must  make application to the Secretary in writing on the appropriate form and must  undertake to comply with the provisions of the Registration of Clubs (NI) Order 1996 and  the registration of Clubs (Accounting) Regulation (NI) 1997 in relation to the running of

the function and the proceeds thereof. Permission to hold functions on the premises  shall be granted at the sole discretion of the General Committee.

  1. Club Colours

The Club Colours shall be approved by the General Committee from time to time. No  variations of the Club colours, ties, badges, or other clothing shall be permitted without  the prior approval of the General Committee.

  1. Interpretation of rules

51.1 The General Committee is the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules the disciplinary rules and the regulations made by it from time to time.

51.2 The decision of the General Committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Club and not provided for by these rules or by the regulations is  final and binding on the members.

  1. Amendment of rules

52.1 These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by a resolution passed at any Annual  or Special General Meeting by a majority of at least 75% of the members attending and  voting on it.

52.2 The General Committee has power to amend the Rules where necessary to comply with statutory regulations without the requirement to seek the consent of the members.

52.3 A copy of the Club Constitution and Rules shall be maintained on the Club web site and in  the Clubhouse.

  1. Distribution of profits

There shall be no distribution in any manner whatsoever of the profits/surplus arising  from any of the activities of the Club including the supply of intoxicating liquor and other  goods and services or a distribution of any assets which belong to the Club whilst the  Club continues to operate as a Club under these Rules.

  1. Dissolution of Club

54.1 If at any General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the Club is passed by a majority of the Ordinary members present and at a Special General Meeting held not  less than four weeks later (of which not less than two weeks written notice has been  given to each member) and at which not less than one half of the Ordinary members are  present that resolution is confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of the Ordinary  members voting on it, the General Committee will then be responsible for the orderly  winding up of the Club’s affairs.

54.1.1 After settling all liabilities of the Club, the General Committee shall dispose of  the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:

(i) To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity  and/or

  1. ii) To a school or other educational body with similar sports purposes which is a  registered charity and/or

(iii) To the sports’ governing bodies for use by them for related community  sports.

  1. Headings

The headings to these rules are for ease of reference only and are not to be taken into  account in their interpretation.

The foregoing Rules shall be read and interpreted in conjunction with the provisions of the  Registration of Clubs (NI) Order 1996 or any statutory amendments to same. All requirements of such Acts or Orders shall be deemed to be incorporated therein.

Should any of the above mentioned Rules conflict with or contravene the requirements of any of  the said statutes such Rule or Rules shall be automatically null and void.